[Melany Zoë Mol 1992]
The earth and ground can be arid, moist or boggy. Yet it will determine how you will grow. The rain and wind can be cold, harsh or soft. But it shapes who you will become. When the soil is fruitful, the flower will bloom vigorously. This applies to many plants, but also to you and me.
In her works Melany wants to make the mentioned incarnations of this foundation visible. The most vulnerable part of our lives, over which we have no say. The attachment between the child and the parent is therefore a key starting point in her work, as she explores how this attachment can be represented by drawing comparisons with nature and the flowering of plants.
Deeper and dark tones evolve into brighter colors or plain whites. To highlight the aforementioned fragile attachments, she mixes colors with a nuanced approach which reflects the subtleties of these bonds of nature.